Numero 2/2022INDEX DIR. REL. 2-2022 Index Dir. Rel. 2-2022
Nr. 2/2007MARCO CANONICO Tutela penale del sentimento religioso ed attuazione normativa della Costituzione dopo oltre mezzo secolo
The paper examines the minister’s function of absolution in reference to the disposition of the penitent. The moral confusion and deviations of secularized society have not changed the sense and value of ecclesiastical discipline. The growing and motivated ecclesial benevolence and understanding (the propensity to forgive) does not eliminate the fulfilment of due conditions. The essence of contrition involves the repentance and correction of the penitent. The radical nature of the lack of disposition indicates a subjective attitude contrary to the logic of forgiveness (the intrinsic connection of divine mercy with the truth and objectivity of the good). Stable existential situations, persistent moral decisions, adherence to doctrines or realities contrary to the divine plan can, hence, represent a manifestation of an inexorable closure to the action of grace. The objective contradiction of the penitent’s behavior with regard to the demands of ecclesial justice represents a contrast with the good of communion and excludes him from remission. The unfortunate eventuality of the impossibility of absolution nevertheless entails formative and spiritual help from the minister. It is highly desirable that there will be a decisive incentive for pastors to welcome, accompany and care for human frailty.
Sacrament of Penance, penitent’s lack of disposition, complex existential situations, pastoral accompaniment