Nr. 1/2012FABIO VECCHI Systematic principles of law and ecclesiastical policy in the Sicilian philosopher and jurist Francesco Orestano
Nr. 1/2012FABIO VECCHI Recensione a Maria Francesca Carnea, “Libertà e Politica in S. Caterina da Siena” (Collana «Protagonisti», n.4, Viverein ed., Monopoli, 2011), pp. 1-132.
The contribution proposes to indicate the methodological assumptions through which to enter into the merits of the arduous problem of the primacy of the Bishop of Rome, bearing in mind that it has the characteristic of being the object of a double qualification: the first by the internal order of the Roman Church, and the second by the ecumenical order.
Primacy of the Bishop of Rome; internal ordering of the Roman Church; ecumenical ordering