Nr. 02/201418. DIRITTO E RELIGIONI the complete issue, 18, N. 2/2014
Nr. 1/2014ANTONIO GUARINO Impresa sociale e onlus: due qualifiche inconciliabili? (Una possibile soluzione dal diritto ecclesiastico)
1. Introduction - 2. The international regulatory framework on freedom of religion: content of the rules and related issues - 3. Indonesia, Islamic identity and freedom of religion in the light of constitutional norms - 4. Freedom of religion in Indonesia and the limitations on its exercise: the Blasphemy Law - 5. The problem of the revision of the Blasphemy Law in the sentence issued in 2010 by the Indonesian Constitutional Court - 6. The limits on the exercise of the right to freedom of religion with reference to minorities: in particular the case of the Indonesian Ahmadiyya - 7. Conclusions.